Source of this article: Zhiche Technology Last year, the video of Huawei Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition City Navigation driving independently in Chongqing caused a lot of onlookers on social media. The roads in Chongqing are quite complex, and the behavior of traffic participants also changes a lot. The Huawei Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition […]
Q: What is California proposition 65? Answer: California proposition 65 is a proposal by the state of California in the United States to increase attention to toxic chemicals that can be exposed, abbreviated as the California proposition 65 proposal. In November 1986, California enacted the Drinking Water Safety and Toxic Substances Enforcement Act of 1986,
1.Before March concludes, Horizon intends to submit its application to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. March 18th saw Caixin News Agency’s report on Horizon’s preparations for a Hong Kong IPO prospectus, with CITIC Securities International, Goldman Sachs, and Morgan Stanley chosen as joint sponsors. According to a market insider, “I plan to submit my IPO
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