May 2024

Electric Vehicle SNIEC

[EV CABLE ]NEAS CHINA 2024 | The Most Must Not Miss Electric Vehicle Ecological Chain Event! Take the lead in watching the four highlights ofspoilers”!

NEAS CHINA Most Must Not Miss Electric Vehicle Ecological Chain Annual Event of the Year Currently, a new round of global technological revolution and industrial transformation is flourishing, and technologies related to automobiles, energy, transportation, information and communication are accelerating their integration. Electrification, networking, and intelligence have become the development trends and trends of the

[EV CABLE ]NEAS CHINA 2024 | The Most Must Not Miss Electric Vehicle Ecological Chain Event! Take the lead in watching the four highlights ofspoilers”! Read More »

EV charging pile

【EV charging】In the $200 billion EV charging pile market, which companies can grab a piece of the pie?

【EV charging】In the $200 billion EV charging pile market, which companies can grab a piece of the pie? On August 18th, in order to boost consumption, cultivate new growth drivers, and promote the consumption of electric vehicles and the upgrading of related industries, the State Council executive meeting decided to extend the policy of exempting

【EV charging】In the $200 billion EV charging pile market, which companies can grab a piece of the pie? Read More »

EV kargatzeko piezak

EV kablea: China’s retail sales of electric passenger vehicles have repeatedly hit record highs.

The consumer base for electric passenger vehicles has shifted comprehensively from early commercial vehicle owners to private car owners. Currently, private owners of new energy vehicles commonly experience range anxiety. “How to provide convenient charging networks for private owners of electric vehicleshas become a focal point for national and provincial governments in formulating policies

EV kablea: China’s retail sales of electric passenger vehicles have repeatedly hit record highs. Read More »


What should be done if EV charging gun(connectors) cannot be removed?

To prevent unauthorized unplugging of an EV charging gun, consider these methods: 1. Utilize Locking Mechanisms Modern EV charging guns and ports often come equipped with built-in locking mechanisms. These mechanisms automatically secure the charging gun in place when the vehicle is locked. 2. Employ Security Features at Charging Stations Some charging stations have physical

What should be done if EV charging gun(connectors) cannot be removed? Read More »

EV kargatzeko piezak

EV kablea: What to Do If the Charging Power Is Insufficient? (Part One)

Some car owners perceive the charging station to be slow. According to common knowledge, a 7 kW charging station should ideally charge at a rate of 7 kWh per hour. For instance, the power capacity of the battery in the Deep Blue S7 520Pro version is 66.8 kWh. In theory, it should take less than

EV kablea: What to Do If the Charging Power Is Insufficient? (Part One) Read More »

DC Fast Chargers

EV Charging Cable: What to Do If the EV Charging Power Is Insufficient? (Part Two)

We recommend that a car owner follows these steps when feeling that EV Charging Power is insufficient. Step One: Confirm the power allowed by the grid and the rated power of the AC charging pile. In general, the power allowed by the grid is usually at least 7 kW. Changan AC chargers offer 7 kW

EV Charging Cable: What to Do If the EV Charging Power Is Insufficient? (Part Two) Read More »

Can Tesla charging stations charge other vehicles(ev kargatzeko konektore motak)?

Tesla charging stations can charge other vehicles, but there are some conditions and limitations:   Superchargers (DC Fast Charging) In most regions, Tesla Superchargers use a proprietary connector that is only compatible with Tesla vehicles. Tesla charging Tesla is rolling out Superchargers with CCS connectors in Europe for non-Tesla vehicles. Tesla plans to open Superchargers

Can Tesla charging stations charge other vehicles(ev kargatzeko konektore motak)? Read More »

Chinese Electric Vehicle

Having aglobal car modelis now a must for Chinese Electric Vehicle

As Chinese car companies evolve globally, developing their own models is crucial.In 1.Recent years, there has been a strong call for Chinese Electric Vehicle to go global, with frequent actions. Amidst the hustle and bustle, some car companies have realized an urgent and profound problem: we don’t have our own global models. Global car models

Having aglobal car modelis now a must for Chinese Electric Vehicle Read More »

Abundant New Energy zure bazkide fidagarria da EV kargatzeko pieza eta soluzio guztientzat. Berrikuntzarekin dugun konpromisoarekin, kalitatea, eta bezeroan zentratutako ikuspegia, ibilgailu elektrikoen adopzioa bultzatzea dugu helburu, kargatzeko irtenbide fidagarriak eta eraginkorrak eskainiz.
ev kargatzeko kableentzako biltegia


Gure produktuei edo prezioen zerrendari buruzko kontsultak egiteko, mesedez, utzi gure esku eta barruan jarriko gara harremanetan 24 orduak.


Joan Goikora
Utzi zure mezua

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