
Thailand’s BOI Approves New Investment Incentives for Auto Parts Makers and Battery Recycling Businesses

Bangkok, June 14, 2024 — In a significant move to bolster Thailand’s growing electric vehicle (EV) ecosystem, the Board of Investment (BOI) has approved new investment incentives aimed at encouraging the repair, repackaging, and reuse of used power batteries, as well as energy storage systems (ESS). The decision, which took place under the leadership of […]

Thailand’s BOI Approves New Investment Incentives for Auto Parts Makers and Battery Recycling Businesses Read More »

Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies Approves R$19.3 BillionMoverProgram to Propel Automotive Industry into a Greener Future

Brasília, June 11, 2024 — In a bold move that signals Brazil’s commitment to modernizing its automotive industry and fostering environmental sustainability, the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies has approved theMoverprogram, an ambitious new policy set to inject approximately R$19.3 billion (around $3.8 billion USD) into the sector over the next five years. The

Brazil’s Chamber of Deputies Approves R$19.3 BillionMoverProgram to Propel Automotive Industry into a Greener Future Read More »

Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Approves R$ 19.3 BillionMoverProgram to Boost Automotive Industry

Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Approves R$ 19.3 BillionMoverProgram to Boost Automotive Industry Brasília, June 11, 2024 — In a landmark move for the Brazilian automotive sector, the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies has approved theMoverprogram, a new policy designed to revitalize and modernize the nation’s automotive industry. The program, which will channel

Brazilian Chamber of Deputies Approves R$ 19.3 BillionMoverProgram to Boost Automotive Industry Read More »

Italy Unveils €1.7 Billion Investment in Net-Zero Emissions and Renewable Energy

Rome, August 30, 2024 – In a significant boost to its green transition efforts, the Italian government has announced the allocation of €1.7 billion for development contracts focused on net-zero emissions, renewable energy, and battery technologies. This initiative, detailed in a Law-2-Decree issued by the Ministry of Enterprise and Manufacturing (MIMIT) on June 19, represents

Italy Unveils €1.7 Billion Investment in Net-Zero Emissions and Renewable Energy Read More »

Canada Opens Consultations on Potential Tariffs for Chinese-Made Electric Vehicles

Canada Opens Consultations on Potential Tariffs for Chinese-Made Electric Vehicles Ottawa, August 30, 2024 – In a strategic move aimed at bolstering the Canadian automotive industry, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland has announced the commencement of a 30-day public consultation period to assess the need for increased import tariffs on electric

Canada Opens Consultations on Potential Tariffs for Chinese-Made Electric Vehicles Read More »

EU and China Reach Preliminary Deal on Electric Vehicle Tariffs

EU and China Reach Preliminary Deal on Electric Vehicle Tariffs Brussels, August 30, 2024 – In a move likely to reshape the dynamics of the global electric vehicle (EV) market, the European Union (EU) has announced a preliminary adjustment to its tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China. This development follows a series of intricate

EU and China Reach Preliminary Deal on Electric Vehicle Tariffs Read More »

Notice Regarding 32A European Standard Charging Gun Disconnection Issues

ABUNDANT NEW ENERGY Addresses Disconnection Concerns with 32A European Standard Charging Guns August 5th 2024 ABUNDANT NEW ENERGY has become aware of potential challenges regarding the disconnection of 32A European standard charging guns during usage. Our engineers have identified several scenarios where users may encounter difficulties disconnecting the charging plug, impacting both user experience and

Notice Regarding 32A European Standard Charging Gun Disconnection Issues Read More »

EV kablea

Take you on a journey to understand the structure of portable charging charger.

Keywords: electric vehicles, portable charging connector, charging devices Most pure electric vehicles are equipped with portable charging guns to facilitate owners in charging their vehicles using 220V mains electricity, which falls under the category of slow AC charging. The slow charging system of new energy vehicles utilizes 220V single-phase AC electricity as the power source.

Take you on a journey to understand the structure of portable charging charger. Read More »

How can you effectively maintain your own charging station?

As electric vehicles become increasingly prevalent, charging stations have become indispensable in daily life. However, encountering situations where a charging station fails to charge can be frustrating. What steps should you take in such scenarios? Below, we provide solutions and suggestions from various perspectives. Check if the charging station is receiving power. Initially, ensure that the

How can you effectively maintain your own charging station? Read More »

Zein kable mota den egokia ibilgailu elektrikoak kargatzeko?

With the rapid adoption of electric vehicles (EVs), the development of charging infrastructure has accelerated, making the selection and use of charging cables critical. The right charging cable serves as a vital link between the EV and the charging station, directly affecting charging efficiency and safety. 1. What Cable is Suitable for EV Charging? Choosing

Zein kable mota den egokia ibilgailu elektrikoak kargatzeko? Read More »

Abundant New Energy zure bazkide fidagarria da EV kargatzeko pieza eta soluzio guztientzat. Berrikuntzarekin dugun konpromisoarekin, kalitatea, eta bezeroan zentratutako ikuspegia, ibilgailu elektrikoen adopzioa bultzatzea dugu helburu, kargatzeko irtenbide fidagarriak eta eraginkorrak eskainiz.
ev kargatzeko kableentzako biltegia


Gure produktuei edo prezioen zerrendari buruzko kontsultak egiteko, mesedez, utzi gure esku eta barruan jarriko gara harremanetan 24 orduak.


Joan Goikora
Utzi zure mezua

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