
EV Charging Cable :Seeds | Wants to Build anAirborne Taxiin the Middle East, Time Technology Achieves Series A Strategic Financing

According to GAC Seeds, recently, Technology, a developer of manned tiltrotor eVTOL, has completed a Series A financing of $20 million, with exclusive strategic investment from well-known overseas investment institutions, planning to create anaerial taxiapplication scenario in the Middle East. This financing will be used to accelerate the process of product development and […]

EV Charging Cable :Seeds | Wants to Build anAirborne Taxiin the Middle East, Time Technology Achieves Series A Strategic Financing Read More »

EV Charging Cable :Avita 12 launches OTA upgrade and adds special lane intelligent passage function

On March 28, Avita announced that Avita 12 has launched an OTA upgrade and officially launched AVATR.OS version 3.2.0, which adds a number of new features and brings multiple detail optimizations. Specifically, this OTA update will add new navigation assist (NCA) manual switching, special lane intelligent traffic, automatic matching of road speed limits, active speed

EV Charging Cable :Avita 12 launches OTA upgrade and adds special lane intelligent passage function Read More »

EV Charging Cable :Ansys and SynMatrix establish OEM partnership to accelerate RF filter design

On March 27th, American engineering simulation technology company Ansys announced a new OEM partnership with SynMatrix to simplify the RF filter design workflow for wireless communication applications. SynMatrix is committed to developing industry-leading RF filter design and optimization tools, integrated with HFSS electromagnetic simulation. SynMatrix software is provided through Ansys, which can accelerate development, help

EV Charging Cable :Ansys and SynMatrix establish OEM partnership to accelerate RF filter design Read More »

EV Charging Cable :NXP launches a new vehicle software platform to simplify SDV development and reduce costs

On March 28th, NXP Semiconductor (NXP), an embedded application security connection solution provider, reported by GAC Automotive ® Semiconductors has launched a new vehicle software platform, S32 CoreRide, which breaks through the integration barriers of next-generation software defined vehicle (SDV) development, greatly simplifies complex vehicle architecture development, and reduces costs for car manufacturers and first

EV Charging Cable :NXP launches a new vehicle software platform to simplify SDV development and reduce costs Read More »

EV Charging Cable :Fenghe advances software-defined vehicle innovation by leveraging AWS infrastructure.

GAC Motor News, March 27th, Wind River, a software supplier for mission critical intelligent systems ®) Announces the use of its cutting-edge Studio Developer product to drive software defined vehicle innovation, which is now running on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The platform will be showcased at the Santa Clara AWS Prototyping and Innovation Lab.

EV Charging Cable :Fenghe advances software-defined vehicle innovation by leveraging AWS infrastructure. Read More »

EV Charging Cable :SICK introduces the latest addition to its lineup: the nanoScan3 secure laser scanner, designed to enhance network security protocols.

March 27th marked the debut of SICK, Germany’s foremost sensor technology innovator, unveiling its compact yet powerful laser scanner, the nanoScan3, alongside a secure networking capability built on the Safe EFI-Pro standard industrial Ethernet. With the SICK nanoScan3 EFI-Pro, machine manufacturers gain seamless integration of industrial network security, empowering them to craft agile and effective

EV Charging Cable :SICK introduces the latest addition to its lineup: the nanoScan3 secure laser scanner, designed to enhance network security protocols. Read More »

EV Charging Cable :Deepen AI cooperates with May Mobility to accelerate sensor calibration and improve the safety of autonomous vehicle

According to foreign media reports, on March 26th local time, Deepen AI, a global multi-sensor system calibration tool supplier, announced a partnership with May Mobility, a leader in the research and deployment of autonomous driving technology. May Mobility builds a auto drive system to fill the gap in the existing transportation infrastructure through more accessible

EV Charging Cable :Deepen AI cooperates with May Mobility to accelerate sensor calibration and improve the safety of autonomous vehicle Read More »

EV Charging Cable :New driving recorder technologies are being introduced by Indian startups to elevate road safety standards.

In the bustling thoroughfares of India, chaos reigns in traffic flow, leading to frequent accidents. Nevertheless, foreign media outlets report a game-changing initiative by SafeCams, leveraging cutting-edge driving recorder technology to enhance road safety. Entrepreneur Vanesh Naidoo spearheads SafeCams, with a mission to revolutionize the adoption and impact of driving recorders not only in India

EV Charging Cable :New driving recorder technologies are being introduced by Indian startups to elevate road safety standards. Read More »

EV Charging Cable :Unveiling the latest innovation: the debut of Extreme Krypton 001, now featuring the seamless integration of Huawei’s HiCar technology.

  Image source: Extreme Krypton Automobile Presently, the freshly integrated Huawei HiCar has made its debut on the new Extreme Krypton 001’s app store. ev charging connector types Reports indicate that the brand-new Geely Krypton 001 hit the market on February 27th this year, offering a total of four models priced between 269,000 and 329,000

EV Charging Cable :Unveiling the latest innovation: the debut of Extreme Krypton 001, now featuring the seamless integration of Huawei’s HiCar technology. Read More »

EV Charging Cable :China’s Intelligent AutomobileImproving Vehicle Driving Performance, Software Starts to Show off Its Strength

In the current era of automobiles, hardware homogenization is becoming increasingly serious, so under the trend of ‘software defined cars’, we need to rely on software to build some differentiation.Recently, at the MagnaBlack Technology Comes to Tech Labseries sharing meeting, Magna powertrain software engineering manager He Song said so. In fact, the

EV Charging Cable :China’s Intelligent AutomobileImproving Vehicle Driving Performance, Software Starts to Show off Its Strength Read More »

Abundant New Energy zure bazkide fidagarria da EV kargatzeko pieza eta soluzio guztientzat. Berrikuntzarekin dugun konpromisoarekin, kalitatea, eta bezeroan zentratutako ikuspegia, ibilgailu elektrikoen adopzioa bultzatzea dugu helburu, kargatzeko irtenbide fidagarriak eta eraginkorrak eskainiz.
ev kargatzeko kableentzako biltegia


Gure produktuei edo prezioen zerrendari buruzko kontsultak egiteko, mesedez, utzi gure esku eta barruan jarriko gara harremanetan 24 orduak.


Joan Goikora
Utzi zure mezua

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