
CCS1 EV Charging Cable User Guide

As electric vehicles (EVs) become more prevalent, the importance of robust charging infrastructure becomes increasingly evident. The CCS1 (Combined Charging System 1) is a prominent charging standard in the North American market, favored by many EV owners for its compatibility and efficiency.

  1. Introduction to CCS1 EV Charging Kablea

CCS1 is a versatile system compatible with both AC (Alternating Current) and DC (Direct Current) charging. It combines the SAE J1772 (Mota 1) AC interface with a twopin DC fast charging interface. CCS1 supports both home slow charging and public fast charging, making it an ideal choice for North American EV owners.

Structural Features

AC Interface: CCS1 retains the fivepin SAE J1772 interface for AC charging.

DC Interface: Below the AC interface, it adds a twopin DC interface for fast charging.

Power Range

AC Charging: Supports singlephase AC charging from 3 kW to 7.4 kW.

DC Charging: Supports DC fast charging up to 350 kW, significantly boosting power in a short time.

EV charging pile
EV charging pile
  2. Choosing the Right CCS1 EV Charging Cable

Selecting the appropriate charging cable is crucial for charging efficiency, safety, and the longevity of the cable.

Cable Specifications and Length

Cable Thickness: Choose the cable thickness based on charging power. For charging up to 7.4 kW, a 10mm2 cable is typically sufficient. For fast charging, a 16mm2 or thicker cable is recommended.

Cable Length: Select the appropriate length based on usage scenarios. Home charging usually requires 35 meters, while public charging stations may need longer cables to accommodate various parking positions.

Quality and Certification

Safety Standards: Choose cables that meet international safety standards and certifications, such as UL or CE, to ensure they are durable and reliable.

Reputable Brands: Opt for wellknown brands and reputable manufacturers to guarantee cable quality and good aftersales service.

Environmental Adaptability

Outdoor Use: If used outdoors, select cables with waterproof and dustproof features to withstand various weather conditions.

Temperature Resilience: Ensure the cable can operate normally under extreme temperatures, especially in regions with fluctuating climates in North America.

  3. Installation and Use of CCS1 EV Charging Cable

Proper installation and use of the charging cable are key to ensuring safe and efficient charging.

Installation Guidelines

Stable Placement: Ensure the charger is installed in a stable and secure location to prevent movement or vibrations from affecting the charging process.

Good Grounding: Verify that the charger and cable are properly grounded to prevent electrical leaks and shock hazards.

Safety Devices: Install residual current devices (RCDs) and overload protection to cut off power in case of faults, protecting both equipment and users.

Usage Tips

Connection Steps: First, insert the charging cable plug into the vehicle’s charging port, then connect it to the charger. Ensure the plug fits tightly to avoid loose connections and unstable charging.

Monitoring: Regularly check the charger and cable during charging to ensure there is no overheating or unstable current.

Disconnection Steps: After charging, first disconnect the charger from the power source before removing the cable plug to avoid electrical arcing.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Connection Issues: Check if the cable and connector are making good contact, if the cable is damaged, and if the charger is functioning properly.

Overheating: If the cable becomes too hot, stop charging immediately and check if the cable’s specifications match the charging power, or if the cable is damaged or aged.

Charger Faults: If the charger shows an error, consult the manual for troubleshooting steps, and contact professional repair services if needed.

  4. Maintenance and Care of CCS1 EV Charging Cable

Regular maintenance and care of the charging cable can extend its lifespan and ensure the safety of the charging process.

Regular Inspection

Cable Condition: Regularly inspect the cable for any signs of damage, wear, or aging to ensure it remains in good condition.

Cleanliness: Keep the charging plug and connector clean, free from dust, dirt, and moisture to maintain good contact performance.

Proper Storage

Storage Conditions: Store the cable in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight and high temperatures, to prevent material degradation.

Avoid Stress: Coil the cable neatly to avoid bending, tangling, or pulling that could damage the internal conductors.

Usage Precautions

Avoid Excessive Force: Do not overstretch or twist the cable to prevent breaking the internal conductors.

Placement: Avoid placing the cable in areas where it could be stepped on to prevent damage to the outer sheath and internal structure.

The CCS1 EV charging cable is an essential component of the EV charging process. Choosing the right cable, installing and using it correctly, and performing regular maintenance can ensure efficient, safe, and reliable charging. This guide aims to help EV owners better understand and utilize the CCS1 charging cable, enhancing their electric vehicle experience with convenience and confidence.


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Joan Goikora
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