Hasiera - EV Charging Cable :NXP launches a new vehicle software platform to simplify SDV development and reduce costs
EV Charging Cable :NXP launches a new vehicle software platform to simplify SDV development and reduce costs
On March 28th, NXP Semiconductor (NXP), an embedded application security connection solution provider, reported by GAC Automotive ® Semiconductors has launched a new vehicle software platform, S32 CoreRide, which breaks through the integration barriers of next-generation software defined vehicle (SDV) development, greatly simplifies complex vehicle architecture development, and reduces costs for car manufacturers and first tier suppliers.
Image source: Enzhipu
The S32 CoreRide platform brings together NXP’s mature S32 computing, networking, system power management, and immediately deployable software for NXP’s software collaboration ecosystem. The company has also launched its first central computing S32 CoreRide solution based on NXP’s new S32N series vehicle super integrated processor. It provides a combination of real-time and application processing, as well as secure and scalable vehicle networks.
The rise of SDVs has brought a hopeful but challenging path forward. With the fleet’s demand for scalable features and new sources of revenue, new software definition methods are urgently needed. In the modern vehicle architecture development process, the proliferation of hardware defined variants in different vehicle categories has become impractical.
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