
EV Charging Cable :Report on Development Prospects and Investment Strategy Planning Analysis of China’s Automotive Bearing Industry from 2024 to 2029

Analysis Report on Future Prospects and Investment Strategy Planning for China’s Automotive Bearing Industry: 2024-2029

Industry Synopsis

As a pivotal constituent of automotive components, the efficacy and caliber of automotive bearings wield direct influence on automobile safety and reliability. Concurrently with the swift evolution of China’s automotive sector, the market requisition for automotive bearings perpetually ascends. Automotive bearings encompass primarily bearing products utilized in pivotal components like automotive engines, transmissions, and wheel hubs.

automotive bearing market

Development Overview

Data from the China Bearing Industry Association reveals that the operating revenue of the Chinese bearing industry in 2022 stood at approximately 250 billion yuan, marking a 9.7% year-on-year increase. Bearing production reached 25.9 billion sets, reflecting an 11.2% year-on-year rise, indicative of a stable growth trajectory within the industry. Particularly within the automotive sector, propelled by the rapid expansion of new energy vehicles and the modernization of conventional automobiles, the demand for premium-grade bearings continues to surge.

Competitive Landscape

The competitive milieu of the Chinese automotive bearing market showcases a coexistence of domestic and international players. Renowned global bearing entities such as SKF, Schaeffler, and NSK dominate the high-end segment, whereas domestic firms like Wanxiang Qianchao and Wuzhou New Year command significant market share in the mid to lower-end spectrum. Domestic enterprises persistently enhance their technological prowess, product quality, and cost-effectiveness, progressively advancing toward the high-end market segment.

Investment Strategy

Investors should focus on the following areas:

Technological Advancement: Allocate funds to firms with robust research and development capabilities and substantial technological expertise, particularly in the domain of high-precision and highly reliable bearings. ev kargatzeko konektoreak

Market Diversification: Prioritize enterprises actively venturing into both domestic and international markets, with special emphasis on segments like new energy vehicles and high-end equipment.

Industry Integration: Direct attention towards companies capable of amalgamating upstream and downstream resources, thereby amplifying the synergy within the industry chain.

Global Collaboration: Keep a keen eye on enterprises engaged in partnerships or technology exchanges with globally renowned counterparts to access cutting-edge technology and managerial insights.

Future Development Forecast

It is anticipated that by 2029, fueled by the relentless growth of China’s automotive sector, notably the widespread adoption of new energy vehicles, the automotive bearing industry will witness expanded horizons. The localization of high-end bearing products will accelerate, and domestic enterprises are poised to assert a more prominent stance in the international market.


The Chinese automotive bearing industry is poised for sustained growth in the foreseeable future, with technological innovation and market expansion serving as pivotal catalysts. Investors are advised to diligently monitor industry trends, seize investment opportunities, and remain attuned to policy directives and shifts in market demand to realize long-term investment appreciation.


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Joan Goikora
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