Hasiera - EV Charging Cable :SICK introduces the latest addition to its lineup: the nanoScan3 secure laser scanner, designed to enhance network security protocols.
EV Charging Cable :SICK introduces the latest addition to its lineup: the nanoScan3 secure laser scanner, designed to enhance network security protocols.
March 27th marked the debut of SICK, Germany’s foremost sensor technology innovator, unveiling its compact yet powerful laser scanner, the nanoScan3, alongside a secure networking capability built on the Safe EFI-Pro standard industrial Ethernet. With the SICK nanoScan3 EFI-Pro, machine manufacturers gain seamless integration of industrial network security, empowering them to craft agile and effective autonomous vehicles and stationary robots effortlessly. electric vehicle charging connectors
Image source: SICK
Standing at a mere 8 centimeters tall, the ultra-compact SICK nanoScan3 is tailored for narrow spaces, making it ideal for small, lightweight Automatic Guided Vehicles (AGVs) or Automatic Mobile Robots (AMRs). Equipped with SICK’s robust and dependable safeHDDM® (High Definition Distance Measurement) scanning and evaluation technology, the nanoScan3 offers dynamically adjustable protection zones to ensure personnel safety while delivering navigation data and contour detection capabilities.
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